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Whereas, It is eminently proper that the prominent events of our Colonial history from the settlement of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, should be duly commemorated, and Whereas, Our forefathers, following the dictates of their consciences, and in order to secure civil and religious liberty, imperiled their lives in the founding and maintenance of the Colonies of America, and
Whereas the embodiment of their fundamental ideas is our Declaration of Independence, and the final result of their labors is the United States of America,
Now, therefore, we, their descendants, in order to perpetuate the memory of our ancestors, and to preserve for all times the names and deeds of those who, by their acts and counsel, assisted in the establishment and maintenance of the American Colonies, do hereby constitute ourselves the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey, to the end that it may collect and preserve the manuscripts, records, and other documents relating to that period, that it may erect memorials commemorating persons and events of the Colonial Period and may advance the study of Colonial History through the publication of original documents of importance and historical works of merit, that it may inspire in these ways its members and their descendants with the fraternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and that it may perpetuate those national characteristics by which alone the unity and liberty of our country have been secured, and by which alone they can be maintained and preserved.
State Charter
The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey was organized May 1, 1894; chartered by the General Society of Colonial Wars, May 8, 1894. The first meeting of the Society to receive the charter and to elect officers, May 10, 1894. Incorporated in the State of New Jersey, July 26, 1894. Meeting on this day at the house of his Excellency, General Edward Burd Grubb, Edgewater Park, on the Delaware River, opposite the spot where Washington and Lafayette first met.
The Second General Court was held in Newark, May 10, 1895. Re-incorporated under the Act of February 26, 1895. The Third General Court was held at the "Beechwood" Summit, May 11, 1896. The Fourth General Court was held at the Somerset Inn, Bernardsville, on May 10, 1897. The Fifth General Court was held at the Club House of the Morris County Golf Club, Morristown, May 10, 1898.
The first Semi-Annual Court was held at the Elizabeth Town and Country Club, December 3, 1899.
An understanding of our Society's purposes and objectives can best be gained by returning to our beginnings. For over one hundred years we have remained steadfast in our allegiance to the principles on which our Society was founded, while at the same time we have demonstrated the flexibility to successfully adapt to the values and goals of our modern lifestyle. Comprehension of our enduring tradition starts with a review of the first twenty months of our Society's existence as written by The Honorable Nathaniel Claiborne Hale, Governor-General of the General Society 1965-1968, in the 75th Anniversary Commemorative Book published in 1967 and republished in excerpt in the 1963-1968 Yearbook of the New York Society.
Tax Exempt Organization
The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey is a New Jersey non-profit public benefit corporation, recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Society are fully tax-deductible. You may make a contribution by check payable to SCWNJ and mailing it to:
Stephen L. Griggs, Treasurer
P.O. Box 523
Oldwick, New Jersey 08858-0523
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