The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey (SCWNJ) welcomes inquiries for grant funding for worthwhile projects related to the Colonial Period, between May 13, 1607, and April 19, 1775, particularly in the state of New Jersey.
Projects should be in accordance with the following criteria and conditions:
Projects should be for the physical restoration or actual physical preservation of Colonial Period (between May 13, 1607, and April 19, 1775) documents, objects, or structures after all plans for such restoration or preservation have been approved. No routine maintenance projects or consultant's studies will be funded.
Educational programs on Colonial Period themes are also eligible for funding.
All grant funds shall be held by the Society and will be released only when bills are paid or invoices are presented for work carried out on the project.
Projects should be completed within one year. On request of the grantee, grants for projects that are still uncompleted after one year may be renewed by the Society after further review. Otherwise, the money will be returned to the general funds of the Society.
Normally, all projects should be physically located within the state of New Jersey or refer to the state of New Jersey or relate to events or objects dating to the Colonial Period.
The Grant Application with contact information is available at the following link: Grant Application Form.doc